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Tila Muqavi Shahi

RS: 520

Specific herbal remedy for all physical defects of themale organ. Effective for curvature, leanness and debility of the male organ. Potentiates nerves and muscles of the male organ.

Specific herbal remedy for all physical defects of themale organ. Effective for curvature, leanness and debility of the male organ. Potentiates nerves and muscles of the male organ.

  • Specific herbal remedy
  • Effective for all physical defects of the male organ
  • Effective for curvature, leanness and debility of the male organ
  • Potentiates nerves and muscles of the male organ
  • A natural product

A unique aphrodisiac oil to remove all physical defects of the penis and to give it strength. Tila Muqavi Shahi is special aphrodisiac oil of the Qarshi clinic and has been in use for the last three fourths of a century. It is the essence of our long curative experiments. Tila Muqavi Shahi is prepared according to the modern scientific method to ensure that the essence of each component and its efficacy continues to exist. The Tila is effective and efficacious to remove all the defects of penis whether these defects are the result of excessive masturbation, nocturnal emission and excessive sexual intercourse in the young age caused by spermatorrhoea or old age.